There are more than 40,000 immovable cultural monuments in the Czech Republic and a large number of them are in a state of disrepair. Due to their monumental nature, these immovable cultural heritage objects require higher costs for rehabilitation and maintenance than ordinary objects. Their value is predominantly of a non-use nature, which increases the financial burden on the investor, i.e. does not promise a typical return on their investment. Timely and properly carried out maintenance could significantly extend the life of the building and reduce the cost of its operation and future repairs. The Monurev software developed by doc. Daniel Macek from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU should contribute to this.
Monurev was developed within the project “Sustainable management of cultural heritage buildings”, led by Prof. Renata Schneiderová Heralová from the same faculty. The intention of the project is to provide tools for determining and optimizing the technical and economic limits in the management of these assets with an emphasis on the specifics resulting from the heritage nature. Its aim is to create procedures for designing maintenance and restoration activities, determining their financial requirements and enabling the owner of the building to obtain a qualified estimate of costs.